Why Write Club seems right for me

Just a quick post, this, about Write Club, to get me back in the swing of visibly writing a bit more. Because it’s not that I haven’t been writing, it’s just that largely it hasn’t been visible (unless you’re one of my clients…or one of their users).

Forgive me if this is a bit jumbled and mind-dumpy. The structure and inspiration will surely follow. I am enjoying the feel of this, though. The keys I’m hitting to make these words appear with the freedom of mind and keyboard.


Anyhow, let me quickly tell you about ‘Write Club’, which is why I’m posting here today as opposed to next week, or month, or never again (nopety nope!). Aside from the absolute horror that I’ve not been using this space much, I was inspired to post today by ‘Write Club’, the Thursday morning session I attended yesterday at @WorkHubs, Euston.

@WorkHubs has been an on and off destination for me over the last nine months. And in escaping the flat – and finding similarly-minded people – it’s helped me:

  1. Keep connected to the outside world
  2. Top my brain up with new-found thoughts
  3. Add structure to my day
  4. Be individually productive, with support from others

These four things are surely essential for the self-employed, and ‘digital creatives’ especially. The obvious one to add is physical activity, but more on that another time. Yet ‘Write Club’, which is essentially people sitting around one table, telling each other what they’re hoping to write, writing it for two hours, before going to a tasty vegetarian buffet together, is excellent.

There’s some accountability (you only let yourself down if you don’t write), there’s the sense that you’ve support in your writing goal for the morning, and there’s excellent hosting by the @WorkHubs crew. Collective writing, who knew it could be so powerful when writers feel so individual?

For now, let me just say Write Club is right for me, and it’s the reason these sentences exist.

Hopefully many more to come.


Kevin Pocock

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